Gli Esseri del Regno di Fantasia non si arrendono mai, che siano umili fanciulle o giovani coraggiosi, splendide principesse o nobili principi, piumosi pulcini o soffici aquilotti… Fatine ed elfi, vecchine sapienti e bimbi giudiziosi, uccelli variopinti e farfalline leggiadre si aggirano nel Mondo di Fata Immaginazione, Tessitrice dei nostri Sogni…
I libri di Patrizia Boi
giovedì 9 novembre 2017
Sull'ultima edizione de "La voce di EFCA" , una menzione al libro "Ingegneria elevato n".
ENGINEERING ⁿ - Engineering the future or Future of Engineering? The publication by Maurizio Boi, member of the EFCA Board of Directors, together with Patrizia Boi, is providing an insightful analysis of the future engineering industry and professional practices. The real challenges of tomorrow are represented by innovative technologies, state-of-the-art tools, and above all, new and evolving organisational models set to make a dramatic impact, such as Wikinomics, BIM, 3D Printing, Blockchain Technology, bitcoin, Smart Contracts and Exponential Organisations. In the authors’ view, the undeniable cultural revolution on the horizon is professional collectivism. "Collaborative Engineering" is a concept that addresses the shift from project work undertaken by individual professionals to peer cooperation between professionals qualified in the highest specialisations.
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